
Adventures in Our National Parks Kare and Gordon Nuttall will talk about their travels in their 5th-wheel RV to the Gems of the West – 21 National Parks and 18 State Parks in 11 western states in 2 summers. Learn insider tips on how to make the many campground reservations. Please RSVP and whether you’ll […]

TIME: 10 AM until noon for game play. WHO IS INVITED? Women residents of Sabino Springs and their guests.  Even if you cannot play every 2nd Thursday, you can still be a participant in the group for the months that you are available to play. STAY FOR LUNCH? I hope you will want to stay […]

“Traveling Solo, but Not Alone” We are looking for a ‘few good travelers’ who have traveled ‘single’,  to be a part of our moderated travel panel.  This is a hot topic for many of our residents.  Please contact Ethel Lee-Miller  if you’re interested in being part of this interesting panel.   We will have a travel […]

TIME: 10 AM until noon for game play. WHO IS INVITED?  Women residents of Sabino Springs and their guests.  Even if you cannot play every 3rd Thursday, you can still be a participant in the group for the months that you are available to play. STAY FOR LUNCH? We hope you will want to stay […]

RSVP to Sandy Mannakee at Contact Margaret Brucato at for more information.

Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Cape Town, South Africa