Travel Club
Adventures in Our National Parks Kare and Gordon Nuttall will talk about their travels in their 5th-wheel RV to the Gems of the West – 21 National Parks and 18 State Parks in 11 western states in 2 summers. Learn insider tips on how to make the many campground reservations. Please RSVP and whether you’ll […]
TIME: 10 AM until noon for game play. WHO IS INVITED? Women residents of Sabino Springs and their guests. Even if you cannot play every 2nd Thursday, you can still be a participant in the group for the months that you are available to play. STAY FOR LUNCH? I hope you will want to stay […]
Travel Club
“Traveling Solo, but Not Alone” We are looking for a ‘few good travelers’ who have traveled ‘single’, to be a part of our moderated travel panel. This is a hot topic for many of our residents. Please contact Ethel Lee-Miller if you’re interested in being part of this interesting panel. We will have a travel […]
TIME: 10 AM until noon for game play. WHO IS INVITED? Women residents of Sabino Springs and their guests. Even if you cannot play every 3rd Thursday, you can still be a participant in the group for the months that you are available to play. STAY FOR LUNCH? We hope you will want to stay […]
Travel Club
Travel Club
topic to be announced
Travel Club
RSVP to Sandy Mannakee at Contact Margaret Brucato at for more information.
Travel Club
topic to be announced
Travel Club
topic to be announced