
Mountain Lions: Apex Predators of the Santa Catalina Mountains Mountain lions are found at all elevations in the Santa Catalina Mountains and as apex predators they play a key role in maintaining the ecological health of the range.  How they play that role will be discussed as well as other aspects of their interesting biology. […]

Rattlesnakes and Gila Monsters are iconic creatures of the Southwest. In this presentation, we explore the world of these fascinating animals Presented by Jeff Babson, Naturalist for Pima County  

Attending will be members of Sabino Springs, Sky Island Alliance and the Tucson Audubon Society. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the reed removal progress and future restoration of the spring. All residents are invited to attend.

The Emergencies Preparedness ad hoc committee will be presenting an overview of the Emergency Preparedness Plan for Sabino Springs.  This Guidebook will be given to each Sabino Springs household.  Randy Ogden will present the valuable information contained in the guidebook; from evacuation routes to how to prepare your own “Go Kit” and so much more. […]

The Emergencies Preparedness ad hoc committee will be presenting an overview of the Emergency Preparedness Plan for Sabino Springs.  This Guidebook will be given to each Sabino Springs household.  Randy Ogden will present the valuable information contained in the guidebook; from evacuation routes to how to prepare your own “Go Kit” and so much more. […]

Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Cape Town, South Africa